Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Red Bumps When You Grow A Beard

Test: Troy or Homer - by Celebel

Celebel posted a test and allowed me to put it ...

Good fun. ;-)

THE TEST: Troy or Homer?

comes to film Troy, the new "masterpiece" by Wolfgang Petersen. Filmon or prefer classic Homer? Another slope to the aftermath.

  1. To you, Menelaus, King of Sparta, scrub the chick who had taken a wife. In addition, the author of a rat was a little boy 'effeminate. What do you do?

      a. Take another chick, so Greece is full of them.

      b. Oh God, now his wife, the motor tomorrow. Sti Trojans must stop now! What a fight!

      c. Pray to the gods that you bring back, and I swear war on your enemy.

  2. Now we turn to the Trojans. You've just blown a sventolona named Elena to a Kraut named Menelaus, drunk to death. What do you do?

      a. We bring it home, it serves as a tissue.

      b. We bring it home, as well as Trojan learn.

      c. We take you safely within the walls of Troy, Priam to make sure we protect our king.

  3. Menelaus sends a significant number of men to besiege Troy ...

      a. We are all, er stinks Cicco, Marco said "Frankestain" and cugggino John's Achilles.

      b. The large army of men led millemila dall'ultrafigo Achilles will win.

      c. The wars are unleashed through love, and have with you Thetis, goddess, mother of the valiant Achilles, said foot fast.

  4. Ah, evil is put: the town is impregnable. Leading the city of the Achaeans Hector is the son of Priam, a valiant fighter and General of young marmots. What bet?

      a. Then, Hector Achille 3:1, Sparta and Troy Varenne winning 5:1.

      b. Achilles kills Hector in a fight with lightsabers, and Troy will fall in ten minutes.

      c. Without their Hector, the Trojans will be lost. Using ingenuity of Ulysses, v'infiltrate in the city, hidden in the belly of a horse, a gift of the gods.

  5. Obviously, the city of Troy fell, and some people had expected (and has won five times the bet.). What is Elena?

      a. Of course, here or do or die ... Troy

      b. He flees with the women of the house Priam, leaving Paris in the midst of trouble, and being unfaithful to quell'alce of Menelaus.

      c. Repented of escape and heartened by the gods, becomes the wife of Menelaus, justifying the war.

majority of responses A. A Selfless
you do not care much either the film or of Homer. Let's just say that Homer could also save this old drama, especially since the gods do not believe any more. Better than the Power Rangers, Pokemon and Limp Bizkit. Watch out for the health ailments. Excellent agreement with Gemini and Cancer. Majority of responses

Thank goodness that the original title of the film (sons of Troy, in fact) has not been translated. Adore the beautiful muscolacci Brad Pitt, his expression dazed when he kills Hector and the severed heads here and there in the battlefield ... Do not you care of the correspondence related to the Homeric poems, in fact, believe that Helen of Troy is the lucciolona that frequents the bar. Perfectly integrated into the system, you have not noticed that the Trojan horse in the film was a Matryoshka. Majority of responses

quick brown fox the wrath of Achilles son of Peleus, that brought upon the Achaeans countless deaths. Finally! Someone will come to this profile? I do not doubt it. Needless to say, as Homer has been important in your life. The film is a pure hobby, and you know that has absolutely nothing to do with the great classic era gone by. Too bad that the younger generation do not know ...


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