Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Osp Dzierżysław

Jacques Prevert - 4

Now I grew

From vambino
I really enjoyed

laugh so much time laughing at all
and immediately after an overwhelming sadness and crimson
both simultaneously
Then I thought desperate
Instead I missed
only hope I had nothing but being alive and had intact

I was happy and I was sad but not

never pretended that I had nothing else to be alive

Shaking his head to say no
shake his head
not get us into the people's ideas
shake his head to say no
and smile instead of saying yes
yes to things and beings
beings look at things from caressing

to love or to be taken I was as I was leaving

without opinions in the head And if I need ideas to keep me company

I called them immediately and were
and I said yes to the most
beautiful and the others threw away Now I grew

but also ideas and great ideas are always good ideas

ideas and I always laugh in the face
but I expect them to take revenge

and eat that
day when I was too tired
corner of the woods But I'm waiting for the

and I'll cut your throat
will make him pass the appetite.

Jacques Prévert


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