I'm finally ready to post the second part of the first generation (for your bad luck)!
Let's start the ball rolling ...
Things were going fairly with Luke well.
Obviously I cooked, I took out the garbage, cleaned house, washed and ironed clothes, and he ... well, he took care of "other matters".
As time passed, the more I realized what I was being treated like a rag doll, he knew that hung on his every word and had learned to exploit in its favor my weakness had become his maid, through and tutto.Gli I find dinner ready every time he came late (almost always except Sunday) and when I saw him go I had the courage to debate with him and tell him how make me suffer the way he was behaving.
In short I was totally, stupidly, horribly, unconditional love.
One day I realized that it was time to make a decision: it was to choose whether to remain his slave for a lifetime waiting for you to decide to condescend to some more attention or take back the freedom that I deserve .
I chose the second option.
So it was that Luke was gone from my life for a long time.
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finally taken my old habits. Sleep, read, cook, clean, sleep: that was my daily schedule.
One Saturday evening, as if my previous report I had not served as a lesson, I decided to go to the opening of a new night club.
I took a couple of drinks and sat waiting for something ... or qualcuno.Neanche I knew well because I was doing, the only certainty I had was that I would certainly never be deceived by a man. But my certainties are short-lived ...
I approached a young man with dark skin, extremely fascinating.
"You dumped your boyfriend, right?"-He asked me.
"Response exact, too bad that there are no prizes ", I replied.
"Ok, ok. Do not scaldare.Ti capisco.Comunque my name is Mark, so much pleasure. "He said in a tone irritato.Risi.
"Certainly that will have all the local girls, with the aim of finding the plucking chickens", I thought.
"After all the men are all like that, it is useless to delude ourselves otherwise. But do you know? Now silenced him io.E 'who wants a kiss? And will a kiss! "I said to myself.
I got up from his chair and kissed him. So, for no reason.
He stayed there stunned. Initially it seemed a little 'angry. Then I realized that was absolutely not angry: he was furious. He had such a nice
"What are you thinking? Even know that a kiss! You are completely mad. And to think that I looked different ... "
" Wait, wait a minute. Here are two points to clarify: when I kissed you have not even tried to cast me ... and then how did you already have an opinion of me if we met half an hour ago? "
" ... Vicky, only a fool would refuse to kiss you. "
" Oh.Beh.Comunque. No. Ie. Yes, but. Hey! How do you know my name? "
" It 's hard to explain, but I'll try the same.
I know you from when you moved to Stranizia: I live in the house opposite to yours. I know all about te.Tutto.
I ... I love you. I love your green eyes, your lips, your smile. I love the way you touch your hair when you're embarrassed, just like you're doing now. I love your look smart, I love to look at the kitchen window when you read your favorite novel, I like your attitude lasts, because it's just an attitude. Vicky, you have the air of one who is been forced to grow up too soon, who has received many disappointments in life.
Now if I understand you will not want to see me, if you'll look crazy. But please do not make me wait, tell me now.
not breathed for about two minutes. No man had ever spoken so. Everyone, including Luke, had confined themselves to make cute little appreciation on my appearance, but were never able to understand what I am, what I have inside is beautiful, but I can not express.
"What was I doing?
I could not fall back into the same trap, NO. It would all end soon and I would not have been able to endure it again.. " I tried to convince myself.
took him aside and told him I could not work, that he was not even aware of what he was doing.
I left the room and called a taxi.
I started to cry, tears came down suddenly and I could not stop them.
"diavolo.Al To hell with my inability to take a stand. To hell with my lock and my emotional complicate everything ", I thought. I went back into the nightclub and ran to him.
This time I was really sure what I was doing. We were both me and Mark.
Our first night together was wonderful and the nights were the following.
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passed two months after our first great meeting.
Mark had moved in with me and with his assistance, we were able to furnish a decent home.
He worked as a military man, had also been promoted several times.
We were a perfect couple, do not hardly ever fought, except when I bought gifts for no reason.
We decided to take the step largest of our lives: marriage.
At the wedding, to my surprise, was a guest too.
You can already imagine who he was. I knew that his intention was to ruin my "big day". But I decided that, at least this time, I would have stopped by any means.
Luke proved once again that the pasta was done.
I invited Jenny also, more to fairness than for love.
We were able to speak again. Of course, our relationship was not as intimate, but as well clear all the misunderstandings that had developed due to my history with Luke.
He told me all about him, because he had deceived her too many years ago (they had had an affair). But, honestly, now that I found Mark, I did not care anymore.
Post honeymoon ...
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A few weeks later I discovered she was pregnant. The news filled me with joy is that Mark.
Simon was born. A beautiful baby blue eyes and white skin like milk.
takes every opportunity to cuddle and stay close, even though both were very inexperienced. Keep that arm
scricciolino was a great feeling, but often I was afraid to hurt him.
Our son grew quickly and became a beautiful baby.
I, he and Mark were a perfect family: I could not ask for more.
The dream of a lifetime had come true.
the next guys, I hope you have enjoyed the update! : P
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