Better late than never, goes the proverb!
fact ... here I am again!
Under the cut you will find the second chapter of the second generation Visconti! ☺
Good reading.
ps I had to hurry a little 'things that otherwise would have to come before Lizzie 1238901939201 chapters give an alarm:) / watch
... We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love,
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love,
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love,
If Its worth HAVING, it's worth fightin for
His expert hands defiled my body and his lips eagerly sought fresh mine.
I felt the fabric of his boxers do to my bare skin friction and sweating.
I could hear his heavy breathing and our heart beats faster to join as one.
I never imagined that within a week, I would have found completely naked in the bed of a man who barely knew.
was damn illogical that situation.
was damn exciting that situation.
The jet-black hair clung to my sweaty face while her chaste kisses became more luxurious. The paradoxical situation that
had arisen in the shadows of the bare hotel room was broken by the constant ringing of his cell and nerve-wracking on the nightstand.
At first we kept our game without listening to him but the sound continued without interruption until Ted, tired and irritated, he seized his evil purpose.
Before he could accept the call I saw the display lit up the phone, the name "father" flash.
little I knew nothing about the father Ted.
business man, divorced, a large white villa by the sea.
Probably not for me to hear the conversation, leaving me alone and got out of bed naked under the cool sheets.
** (missing the photo, I know!)
thus concluded the conversation. Arrival, where? Where was going
MY Ted? The afternoon of our love would be so nuanced, without a reason? No, I would not have allowed.
As the man began to feel that love is clothed in a hurry, I jumped out of bed, leaving the sheets and crossed the room to him.
Before he could speak or move away, adagiai my body warm to her and shook my arms around his neck.
"Lizzie" he said, sigh.
As if I had not heard began to kiss his neck maliciously hoping that at least one, the flash did the idea of avoiding the appointment with his father and finish his afternoon with me.
sighed a second time.
"clothes and go home-I said-I'll call you tonight" and, buttoning the top button of his shirt, he disappeared out the door.
I stood in the middle of the room.
naked, hot and desolate.
Before a tear could scratch my face, put on clothes at the bottom of the bed. The clothes, just before, I had marched hastily desiring bear me.
I went into the house now I cried all the tears I had in my body.
An elder in the street, I had even stopped asking me if I needed help. NO. I did not need help. I just need my single man who had preferred to flee from his father not giving me any explanation, leaving me in a hotel room.
Thomas was lying on the couch and watch television casually.
damn I need to talk to someone and he was undoubtedly the best person.
I knew since I was born and my mother had accepted the White at our house when my uncles were missed in the damn car accident. It was like a brother to me. Indeed, more than a brother. The relationship that was established between us during our life was terribly ambiguous and tortured.
I remember like it was yesterday when I fell in love with him. I almost laugh when I think about it. Instead of falling for her own father, as is almost all girls, I was in love with my cousin.
Probably because I do not have a father and he, despite having the same age as me, has always been my male figure of reference.
silently I reached the sofa and I squatted beside him.
"Hello," I whispered, his face still wet with tears.
He turned and looked at me carefully.
I knew that I would have asked how I was. I knew how his pockets. Even if I had not had the faces of those who had just cried, he would have felt my health.
's why when I was six years the only man with whom I imagined he was married. Thomas was definitely my better half, my soulmate, my Lizzie male. ☺
"Who the fuck made you suffer?" He asked, with his usual tone cheeky.
His lower lip trembled, he was seriously worried about me. I lowered my eyes, I almost felt like smiling as much as I knew well that guy.
Probably not even a book for my mom was so open.
nb # * here have begun to flirt without my consent! * #
When I finished my story, I felt a slight confusion in him.
"You were going to go to bed? - Asked insolently-what the fuck you in the head?"
He was damn right. How could I think such a thing?
Where was the old Lizzie?
What had happened to the girl prudent and reflective of all time?
even know him Ted! Could
me lied about everything.
could be a profiteer.
could be a maniac.
sighed and looked down. I'm terribly ashamed. I made a bad figure in front of Thomas. Who knows what they would think now, to me.
"You're right" mugugnai, nails sticking in the skin flap of the arms that the shirt did not cover, leaving little red marks in the shape of a crescent.
"Of course I'm right," concluded T, and soon after, he shook him with an energetic embrace full of affection.