Troy - by Celebel After the test, he told me not to have created her ... Cele gave me permission to post your comment.
Here it is ...
Comment by Troy Celebel quick brown fox humeri Fan
the wrath that brought upon endless disappointment to the fans (the poem !!)...
words: my comment on Troy!
Before I have a proposal: do a collection for Petersen to give a copy of the Iliad?
Because here are two things: either he did not just read, has agreed to tell the story from someone who knew more or less and then he made what he liked best by changing the pieces that nn convinced him ... or read it in greek, original version, without knowing the greek!
Oh, another option would be: read the Iliad, and decided to "fix here and there" in order to get Orlando Bloom and Brad Pitt at the end of the film (which has proved useful to after all ... especially since the ending is a death, at least let me redo my eyes!), scare away half of the Trojans (why else was too sad, no? The public wants the happy ending!), leave the poor Patroclus in the corner to get the saws as Cupid / Petersen wrong target and hit Briseis instead of Patroclus.
It starts with Agamemnon who wants to conquer the world, and Achilles, rising up with two hours late (but then, is Brad Pitt ... the stars always arrive late ¬ ¬), looks around bored, and a move removes a sample of Thessaly. Ok, the film must go on is a scene to introduce the characters, and let you know that Agamemnon is a Bush in the old days, the only thing he has in mind is Achilles throm # # # and, and that has Thessaly soldiers that are worthwhile.
Scene of the ship: I here childbirth Slash Paris and Hector. ^ ^
Arrival in Troy as any sane person would do, Priam does not think for one second that Miss Helen could lead to war and Menelaus then all the other rulers of the Greek cities (all of this turn of phrase to point out to Petersen that Greece is not the "homeland", the concept of homeland was born centuries later! And this is history, not literature). It instead shows very worried because he does not know whether to call Helen of Sparta and Troy.
Achilles in his little house: then, I'm not pretending you got to see Achilles and Patroclus in bed together. This was known that they would not have done before (you could only hope! *.*). But just leave everything in that semi-darkness: they know and do not you know you love it, but nn is never specifically told you can understand. But no! But we are mad? Achille gay? Let it never be! But Patroclus just can not be eliminated, otherwise the wrath of Achilles as it is based? And then ... let's become a family ... a cousin! Yes, of course! And to remove any doubt that they are together insinuiamo father to face Achilles Patroclus. That * something * to teach him, that's for sure ... * What is the nn * and I agree!
Achilles and Thetis: then, Thetis is a nymph, the nymphs are beautiful and moooooooolto young, little girls ..... ok, that was the mother of Achilles, but keep in mind that it is a goddess and that does not age, please!
come the Greeks, and I have a question for Achilles: What about # # or you brought it to you to do, Patroclus, so that then you do not fight (neither without nor with double meanings, and nn know what is worse ^^"). Perhaps, Achilles, who has the gift of foresight (and of course: a technical fight with Roman!) had provided the death of Patroclus only the night before, when they were already en route, and try to save it.
Anyway is captured the priestess of Apollo ... No, Cassandra, her, having foreseen that the film was a # # a cag, refused to participate. And what could be done Petersen, at this point? Only one thing: to make vows to Briseis (chaste and pure girl, who is very determined to remain a virgin, as we shall see later!). So catch her!
The night before the battle: the night where no one sleeps. That is, after a full day of fighting, it seems obvious that if Hector will go around the city looking for Paris. And then he wants Helen to the Greeks to surrender to end the war, when she has just said that Paris would win even if it would not help against Menelaus, Agamemnon because there is not for the honor of his brother. Consistency first!
against Menelaus Paris: 1 to 0 for Hector! no, I was wrong to write: the battle between Paris and Menelaus won the Hector, as he is to kill Menelaus. Too bad that Menelaus had to stay alive!
Paris is part of the city: why do not greet him for the next hour we will see the movie! In his absence, nothing else to do than drugs of popcorn, not to strangle the guy sitting next to us (which has neither pain nor guilt nn!).
Patroclus and armor: Patroclus, as if no line, really wants to commit suicide! Obviously not ask for permission to Achilles to take his weapons * *... but does all his own way. Achilles with Briseis is too busy to notice that someone is antrato in his attempt and took the armor ... soldier who always alert, eh! ¬ ¬
The funeral of Patroclus: there were games and contests with lots of naked men who fight and challenge each other ... but since time is short (since the Trojan War, Petersen does not last even a >.\u0026lt;), months are deleted.
Ettoreeeeeeeeeeeeee!: That is, the joke better than the movie! ^ ^ "Anyway
Achilles and Hector Hector is killed fighting ... ... Achilles is NOT the three rounds of the walls of Troy with the vadavero Ettoruccio tied to the cart and goes directly to the camp.
Priam and Achilles, the Hector's body: beautiful! This scene is really nice! I liked it! I mean, let's just say No negative things .... there are also beautiful ...... ...... see mhhh. Orlando ........ half-naked, for example ^ ^
Priam back in town, and after a beautiful scene, a beautiful ca ata # #! We wanted, no? otherwise we get used too well ... must prepare for the final! ¬ ¬
Briseis, Achilles' slave, left the tent and hugs his uncle (who was not to be his uncle, but leave out ...). Achilles leaves the Merciful return to the city, and she returns to Troy with a broken heart, Cause I want to leave Achilles. >. \u0026lt;
The Trojan Horse: Odysseus (Sean great! *.*) Has the idea of the horse and the building. So far so good, even if they could give a little 'more room for Ulysses, since it is he who fixes things! >. \u0026lt;
The discovery of the horse 12 days after the funeral for Hector, the Trojans discovered that the Greeks are gone, go to the beach (obviously should not be the first soldiers to control, it goes directly to the King with the Prince! >. \u0026lt;Very normal!). Paris, where the equestrian statues do not like (maybe you prefer a dog? ^ ^), Is proposing to burn it. It would be so tacky ... odds with the architecture of the city ...
Nobody listens to him (although I half expected it really burned! ^^"), And bring it in (note: the walls are not destroyed until it enters the city!>. \u0026lt;) Between the parties and singing.
The fateful night: the horse will open e. ................. (sedetevi! !).......... ACHILLE out, which should be dead, but since there was no time to do it die, let's go to Troy, no? What does
quetso idiot instead of fighting? Search Briseis throughout the city, of course. But
nn is the only one, as even Paris is looking for. Oh yeah, because mica Paris dies! Andromache takes her son, calls half Troy (including Helen, Paris and .... it is called, I was trying, no matter! Cmq other people), and is preparing to run for a passage that had shown Hector.
but he realizes that there is Briseis, and Paris (which, you know, is a hero >.\u0026lt;), back to save her. But why carry around a sword? no, better to leave a. .. "What's your name?" "Aeneas" Ah, yes, that's who it was! Enea! The great warrior, prince of Troy, who according to the Aeneid Rome merge after passing a thousand obstacles ..... The great warrior, prince of Troy, who according to the Aeneid Rome merge after passing a thousand obstacles ????? But this one is a rgazzino of 18 years at most, sfigatissimo, which seems to have never seen a sword in his life, and that is NOT the cousin of Paris, since you do not know.
enea, cmq, it shows quite surprised when Paris of Troy, entrusted him with the sword, and you believe it! From the Penati, we went to the sword ... would remain so -> o___O anyone!
Anyway, Paris the hero goes looking for Briseis, which has become captured by Agamemnon But killing him, and then comes Achilles and hug (no, it is Beautiful ...... unfortunately) but here is Paris which takes the arc e. ........... aims wrong! Hits the heel of Achilles. Then take better aim, draws to itself the power to Legolas, and hit him three times in the chest.
Achilles is about to die, it is not clear whether the heel or other wounds, but not dwell on the details! ¬ ¬ And then
heartbreaking scene where he says goodbye to Briseis and tells her to save themselves, to follow Paris and blablabla. Romantic (pity that Achilles was a warrior, not a lover ... that Pitt and Orlando have exchanged the script ?)... pity that Paris repeats every three seconds "Briseis, we must go. Briseis, Move it! Briseis? Briseis? Briseis strength! "
End: cmq, the film ends with the funeral of Achilles (well, I might say that we at least in this: the Iliad ends with the funeral of Hector were sin !)... leave the credits ... no, wait .... there's first an inscription: "taken from the Iliad of Homer" ... has made the joke! nice that the director!
And a journalist has the courage to write "but it is possible that in 2004 we should still be talking about fidelity or otherwise of the poem of Homer's Troy?"
Well, I reply yes. because it is culture, because it is a beautiful story , so does anger and see it ruined. because if he made a film about the Trojan War as seen from Petersen, "then that was fine, apart from some mistakes of history and geography ... but not so. not good.
Anyway it is true, you're not arguing. is a fact: Petersen, read the Iliad!
kisses Celebel